Children who are due to start school in the September before their fifth birthday and children who wish to transfer school mid year, are allocated school places through the Local Education Authority.  You can apply for a place online at  

Welcome to St Stephen's Reception 2024

If you want to speak to the Admissions Team at Bolton Council, you can call them on 01204 332137 or 332143.  Being a Voluntary Aided Church School, St Stephen's has its own personal Admissions criteria:

If your child is allocated a place at St Stephen's to start in the September before their fifth birthday, they will become part of our extensive New Intake Programme.

Our Reception Class (known as the 'Foundation Stage') is allocated at the back of the school and has its own entrance.  The staff team comprises of Miss Wild and Miss Smith. In the months leading up to your child joining our school family, you will be contacted for information as to which Pre-School Nursery your child attends. The team will visit your child in their Nursery setting, or at home if they do not attend a Nursery.  This enables our staff to meet the children for the first time in a location which is familiar to them.  They will then visit school for two afternoons. So, by the time they start in September, they will have had a good experience of life in Reception Class.  

You will also be invited to a 'New Intake Parents Meeting' one evening in school.  At this meeting the Reception staff will explain how Foundation Stage works and what life in Reception Class will hold for you and your child.  You will be given a 'New Intake Pack' which contains a booklet, which is shown below, holding extensive information for you to digest before your child starts school.  

Children who transfer to the school mid year will be welcomed and well looked after in their transition.  If your child is not successful in being allocated a place at St Stephen's, and you want to appeal against that decision, you should contact the Admissions Team at Bolton Council on the number given above.